Ini postingan2 gw dari berbagai blog yang pernah gue buat.. I've decided to place them all in this blog..
Hope you'll like it..
.Inside of me.
(dedicated to a person on 2007)
I was hurt once
A long time ago..
By the name of a friend
That went through the best and worst times with me
It was more than just a stab right at the aorta
It was more than just a crack in my skull
It was a trauma
Creating a chaos inside of me
Making me taking some crazy decisions
Just to forget that I was ever wounded
Never thinking that those decisions would only ruining my life even worse..
Because the scar never disappear from time to time
Though I tried to walk out from my nightmare
But it keeps coming back
Until I found you…
You can make me laugh again
You can make me smile from my heart
With you, I can step out of my hole
With you, I just can be me
With you, I want to share my laughter and tears
With you I can start painting my colourfull life again
Just to have you standing there, I can have the best smile
Thank you for every time we have spent
It was the best time I ever had
Since the past year I was drowned in vain
Thank you for just be there for me
Sorry for making you feel stupid and making you feel sorry for me
Never meant to make you feel that way
I just want to be a friend of yours
Because I really don’t know whether I’m ready or not
To have a real relationship again in my life
Remembering my scars are big enough
And it keeps following my steps in life
I’m just scared if it never fades
Then I would never have the guts to start new things in my life.
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