
Tuesday, April 27, 2010



this is a really nice shot of my best friend Devy.. Thanks sista'... i love her smile.. So pure..
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barbershop pinggir jalan


This picture was taken in Manado, April 2010. I really like how the cigarette looks...
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a helping friend... ^___^


This is my first piece of photoworks that I posted.. well,, i hope this is not so bad..
I was soo happy when I saw the raw pictures.. The colour was wonderful. I can really capture their great collaboration there.. anyway thx to my models... coco n bebeh.. n___n
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

60 tips diet 2010

taken from

60 tips diet paling cerdas 2010

Berat badan ideal adalah impian semua orang. Walaupun tidak mudah untuk dilakukan akan tetapi banyak wanita rela menahan lapar dan berolahraga berjam-jam. Diet yang baik bukanlah dengan cara berpuasa tapi juga pengaturan makanan berdasarkan umur dan aktivitas. Berikut beberapa tips yang dijamin membuat diet Anda lebih baik dan sehat.

Tapi kalau anda ingin menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat dan aman silahkan klik di sini==> "disini"

1. Hindari pemikiran semua atau tidak sama sekali. Berpuasa bukanlah cara terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan. Makanlah secukupnya dan atur asupan kalori secara bijaksana.

2. Potonglah buah-buahan yang Anda suka dalam potongan kecil untuk menggantikan snack yang tidak sehat.

3. Hindari memakan cemilan dari toples, anda akan tidak sadar berapa banyak yang telah masuk ke dalam mulut Anda. Taruhlah didalam piring atau cukup ambil segenggam.

4. Jika Anda termasuk orang yang menyukai roti, pilihlah yang wholegrain.

5. Hindari makanan yang mengandung lemak lebih dari 10 persen. Baca label informasi nutrisi di dalam kardus makanan.

6. Catatlah makanan yang telah Anda santap selama 2 minggu. Percayalah Anda akan terkejut!

7. Mentega memiliki kandungan lemak jenuh. Hindari atau ganti dengan yang rendah lemak.

8. Bawalah botol air minum kemanapun Anda pergi. Dengan begitu Anda tidak akan terdehidrasi dan juga lebih sedikit kemungkinan untuk memilih minuman yang bersoda ataupun terlalu banyak gula.

9. Cobalah detoxification, untuk mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh Anda

10. Snack baik bagi Anda untuk mencegah makan siang atau malam yang berlebihan.

11. Carilah teman atau partner untuk berdiet bersama. Cara ini akan membuat Anda berdua bias saling memotivasi.

12. Carilah tahu kebiasaan Anda yang merusak program diet. Jika Anda suka mengemil roti menuju gym, gantilah rute Anda!

13. Minumlah banyak air mineral

14. Sayuran rendah di kalori akan tetapi jangan dimasak terlalu lama karena kandungan gizi dapat berubah.

15. Jika Anda terbiasa makan besar spada akhir pekan.Usahakan snack yang rendah lemak dan kalori tersimpan baik di lemari!

16. Selalu pilihlah porsi terkecil dari menu restoran yang ada

17. Belilah sebuah juicer dan mulailah buat kreasi jus Anda sendiri. Jangan lupa untuk mencoba jus sayuran. Kaya vitamin dan lebih sedikit fruktosa.

18. Jangan berpikir bahwa salad selalu aman dikonsumsi. Mereka biasanya juga dikombinasikan dengan mayonnaise dan keju.

19. Sikatlah gigi Anda jika keinginan ngemil muncul. Rasa makanan menjadi buruk setelah Anda menyikat gigi.

20. Ingin menyantap coklat? Pilihlah low fat coklat!

21. Porsi makan bertambah selagi PMS? Lawan dengan mengkonsumsi kacang Almond. Mereka memberi banyak protein dan juga mengurangi keinginan ngemil makanan manis.

22. Pilihlah makanan yang direbus, berkuah, di tim, atau dibakar sebelum Anda memilih yang digoreng.

23. Pilihlah seledri sebagai teman diet yang setia mulai sekarang.

24. Perhatikan bagaimana wanita langsing memesan makanan. Cari tahu dan jadikan rahasia mereka, rahasia Anda.

25. Gunakanlah sumpit untuk memperlambat makan Anda.

26. Hindari mengemil disaat Anda bosan, gantikanlah dengan hal-hal yang ingin Anda lakukan tapi tidak sempat!

27. Jangan berpikir bahwa Anda akan mulai berdiet setelah melalui masa stress. Percayalah masa ini akan selalu ada! Sebaliknya persiapkan diri Anda untuk menghadapi masa-masa ini dan tetap fokus kepada diet Anda.

28. Jam 3 adalah waktu snack favorit. Pilihan terbaik untuk meningkatkan energi meliputi pisang, kacang, dan low fat yoghurt.

29. Cobalah untuk lebih memilih kualitas daripada kuantitas.

30. Tambahkan cabai atau rempah-rempah pedas untuk meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh Anda.

31. Tambahkan es kedalam minuman Anda. Karena tubuh Anda membutuhkan energi untuk menyesuaikan minuman tersebut dengan suhu tubuh. Yang pada akhirnya akan membakar lemak Anda!

32. Siapkan semua makanan Anda sendiri daripada makanan siap saji. Akan lebih mudah bagi Anda untuk mengontrol asupan gula dan kalori yang dipakai.

33. Untuk mengalahkan rasa lapar ketika memasak, mulailah dengan menyantap sepiring besar salad!

34. Ketika membaca artikel tentang diet yang cocok dengan Anda. Gunting dan tempelkanlah dikulkas Anda!

35. Dapatkan tidur yang cukup! Kelelahan berkepanjangan akan menyebabkan Anda meraih makanan yang tinggi kalori.

36. Susu kedelai merupakan alternatif yang lebih baik untuk mengkonsumsi susu rendah lemak!

37. Kurangi garam Anda!

38. Taruhlah foto di kulkas untuk memotivasi Anda!

39. Go Green! Pilihlah sayuran hijau ataupun teh hijau yang akan memberi kontribusi pada kesehatan Anda! (

40. Pilihlah yang diet jika Anda terpaksa minum soda.

41. Untuk pembakaran lemak secara maksimal maka Anda diharuskan untuk mengkonsumi kacang-kacangan!

42. Sangat mudah untuk membuat temu janji di restoran ataupun kafe, Akan tetapi pilihlah tempat yang tidak akan membuat Anda harus makan! Seperti olahraga ataupun kerajinan tangan!

43. Pilihlah tangga daripada lift ataupun eskalator.

44. Hitung budget Anda untuk makanan ataupun snack. Anda bisa mengalokasikan dana tersebut untuk keperluan lain.

45. Pisang adalah makanan terbaik sebelum Anda memulai berolahraga. Pisang dipenuhi dengan potassium yang akan membantu dengan otot dan kadar air dalam tubuh Anda.

46. Jangan lakukan hal lain ketika Anda sedang makan. Jika Anda makan sambil membaca ataupun sambil menonton, Anda akan segera mengasosiasikan kedua kegiatan ini. Anda akan segera makan begitu TV dinyalakan.

47. Pastikan Anda mendapatkan cukup matahari. Vitamin D akan membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak kalsium yang akan lebih mempercepat proses metabolisme.

48. Cobalah Herbal Tea secara bergiliran dan pilihlah favorit Anda. Percayalah ini investasi terbaik untuk kesehatan Anda.

49. Gigitlah makanan Anda secara perlahan-lahan!

50. Minumlah segelas air dengan perasan jeruk lemon untuk membantu meningkatkan metabolisme Anda!

51. Buatlah jurnal makanan. Benar-benar keajaiban.

52. Makan makan malam di dapur atau ruang makan, duduk di meja.

53. Berjalan-jalan di mal tiga kali sebelum Anda mulai berbelanja.

54.Menemukan kembali ubi jalar.

55. Jangan lupa bahwa sup sayuran dihitung sebagai sayuran.

56. Cobalah 2 minggu tanpa permen. Sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana mengidam Anda lenyap.

57. Ikuti Cina mengatakan: "Makanlah sampai Anda delapan persepuluh penuh."

58. "Ini lebih stres untuk terus menjadi lemak daripada untuk berhenti makan berlebihan."

59. Makan setidaknya dua porsi buah atau sayuran pada setiap kali makan.

60. "Aku ingin hidup untuk melihat cucu-cucuku, jadi aku bisa melupakan kue sekarang."

Semoga Tips-tips dietnya berguna buat teman-teman semua.

Smile -- Lily Allen

When you first left me I was wanting more
But you were fucking that girl next door, what you do that for (what you do that for)
When you first left me I didn't know what to say
I never been on my own that way, just sat by myself all day

I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found a light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile

Whenever you see me you say that you want me back
And I tell you it don't mean jack, no it don't mean jack
I couldn't stop laughing, no I just couldn't help myself
See you messed up my mental health I was quite unwell

I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found a light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalala

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile


Our Kind Of Love -- Lady Antebellum

Here we go!
You wear your smile like a summer sky
Just shining down on me and you
I swear your heart is a free bird
On a lazy Sunday afternoon
I love the way that you're up for anything
And never worry 'bout what people say
That's right
Whoa thats right

What we got is
Just like driving on an open highway,
Never knowing what we're gonna find
Just like two kids
Baby always tryin' to live it up
Woah, yeah
That's our kind of love
Mmm, that's our kind of love

Skippin rocks and leaving footprints
Down on the riverbank
Always holding hands,
Never making plans
Just livin' in the moment babe
You keep me laughing with those funny faces
You somehow always know just what to say


That's our kind of love
Oh that's right,
Baby you and I
What we got is
Just like driving on an open highway
Never knowing what we're gonna find
Just like two kids
Baby always trying to live it up
Whoa oh yeah
Just like driving on an open highway
Never knowing what we're gonna find
Just like two kids
Baby always trying to live it up
Whoa, yeah
That's our kind of love
Ooo, that's our kind of love
Yeah, that's our kind of love

Never Alone -- Lady Antebellum

May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when its time to go home
May you always have plenty
The glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone

May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
As every year passes
They mean more than gold
May you win but stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

Well I have to be honest
As much as I wanted
I'm not gonna promise that cold winds won't blow
So when hard times have found you
And your fears surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when its time to go home
And when hard times have found you
And your fears surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- Lady Antebellum

I know that the bridges that I've burned
Along the way
Have left me with these walls and these scars
That won't go away
And opening up has always been the hardest thing
Until you came

So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go
This feelin' I'm feelin' is somethin' I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you

I love when you tell me that I'm pretty
When I just woke up
And I love how you tease me when I'm moody
and it's never too much
I'm falling fast and the truth is I'm not scared at all
You broke my wall

[Repeat Chorus]

Off you
Off you

[Repeat Chorus]

I Run To You -- Lady Antebellum

I run from hate
I run from prejudice
I run from pessimists
But I run too late

I run my life
Or is it running me?
Run from my past
I run too fast
Or too slow it seems

When lies become the truth
That's when I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
To a new disaster, so I run to you
I run to you, Baby

When it all starts coming undone
Baby, you're the only one I run to
I run to you

We run on fumes
Your life and mine
Like the sands of time
Slippin' right on through

Our love's the only truth
That's why I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
To a new disaster, so I run to you
I run to you, Baby

When it all starts coming undone
Baby, you're the only one I run to
I run to you

Oh oh, oh I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
To a new disaster, so I run to you
I run to you, Baby

When it all starts coming undone
Baby, you're the only one I run to
I run to you, I run to you

Oh oh, oh I run to you
I'll run to you girl
Oh Oh

I always run to you
Run to you
Run to
Suddenly this cold night woke me up out of my unrecognized stage of dreaming. I feel my nose starts running again.. aaarrrrghhh... It feels strange when you catch a cold in the middle of the night like this. Anyway, I just really want to tell you about my journey today with my boy, today was my first date using a public transportation with him. It's almost a year of our relationship and we never take public transportation together though.. hahahahaaaaa... LOL
It was quite awkward at first, remembering this was my first time to take public transportation since 2008. weeww... At first, I almost didn't know how much it cost of that angkot. But then i realized it was still the same since 2008. I never thought that I could absolutely walk with him downtown using the public transportation like that :)
Actually there's nothing special of the date itself. It was just an ordinary date. What we basically did was just walking.. My feet are swollen after... Hiikkkssss... But it was a lot of fun in there.. Hahahaaaa.... We were just playing like kids and closed with a karaoke session.. Laalalalalaalaaaaa... Today was wonderful, with his shy attitude.. I miss his blushing cheeks actually.. Hahhahaa... But that was way out of his attitude to be shy and blushy.. ;p
I don't know what's going on in this heart of mine, but today i learn to live this life wisely. And I'm pretty sure I don't have to lean on another people to live my life.

Lovethislife.. God bless..


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Butterfly Fly Away lyrics
Songwriters: Ballard, Glen; Silvestri, Alan;

You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back

You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be

And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me

Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream

Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do

Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

Blogged with the Flock Browser


pikirku melayang pada sebuah jendela
pelipur lara, di kala duka melanda jiwa
melihat tetesan air hujan, rintik lembut di malam gelap
layangkan jiwa dalam angan indah
menikmati petikan gitar sesosok manusia
larutkan rasa dalam irama
gambarkan gurat tipis senyumku malam itu
dan malam-malam berikutnya dalam sepiku
buatku selalu merindunya
rindu dalam hati, yang tak pernah terkata
rindu yang membatu sejak kepergiannya

kadang jiwa merana karena hampa
sangsikan doa dan harapan akan dirinya
seiring waktu yang nyata bergulir
rasa hati telah dibekukan kerasnya hidup
berusaha jalani hidup sendiri
lupakan asa tentang si pemetik gitar di malam hari

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Just don't get it..

I guess this life is all about making choices.
I have always loved being on the spot, but now I'm not.
I did choose to be a mediocre myself, but that doesn't mean I didn't set a goal in my life.
It's just, I think I've had enough of all of that. I'm tired.
I just want to learn to live by my own.
Just when I thought I've had enough, why did you asked for more?
I just can't stand to live in the circle no more.
I guess I just need a relief to all of these crazy thoughts hanging in my mind right now.
I love you, but I just can't live with you no more.
Maybe I'm selfish, I've become introvert, and I've changed in a lot of ways, but I'm trying to put everything together in my life.
I don't want to make you angry, sad, or even disapointed, but this is it. It's my life. I just think now it's time for me to take control, not to depend on all of the people I've known. But why does it make me feel that I have to do a payback??
I love you, please love me just the way I am.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!